We know that you will be thrilled with the results when using the Aqua Clarity program. If not, call, email or chat (Chat is available on our website) and we are happy to help. We absolutely guarantee results, or you can receive a full refund.
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Our FAQ:
If you completed your purge no more than 3 weeks from the date you plan to start Aqua Clarity, then no, you do not need to purge again. If it has been longer than 3 weeks, we do highly recommend you purge so that you can attain the greatest possible results. If you purged your hot tub with any other product other than Ahh-some, you will want to purge your hot tub again using this Aqua Clarity program. To purge with Aqua Clarity, you will use 3 oz per 100 gallons of water. For example, for a 400-gallon hot tub, you will use 12 ounces of Aqua Clarity.
Yes, please balance your water to the proper pH and Alkalinity as well as proper sanitizer.
Yes, whatever form of sanitation you use for your hot tub, you need to continue to use. Aqua Clarity does not replace chlorine, bromine, mineral sticks, ozone, saltwater, or any other type of sanitizer you currently use. Remember, if you use something like the mineral sticks, you still need to run some chlorine through your tub.
Yes, one thing you will notice upon first introducing AC into your tub is a much quicker decline in Free Chlorine. This is normal and expected. It is important to make sure you are adding additional chlorine for approximately the first 3 weeks while starting up AC. Aqua Clarity is working throughout your tub and eliminating waste that doesn’t need to be in your water. Doing this means your sanitizer rates will decay faster. Once you get past this first stage of change within your tub, your chlorine or sanitizer rates will not decline anywhere near as fast as they did from the time you started AC and will last significantly longer than ever before.
Yes, for approximately the first 3 weeks it is important to check your filter cartridges regularly. We suggest every couple of days for the first 3 weeks. Rinse them with a garden hose. Again, once you get past this time frame, you can go back to rinsing your filter cartridges on a weekly or bi-weekly basis as you once did prior to using AC.
Yes, you will notice especially at the beginning that your pH has the potential to increase ever so slightly. Simply monitor that with your water testing and if you need to add a bit of decreaser, go ahead and do so.
There is nothing more that you need to use along with Aqua Clarity other than your pH to get your water balanced at the beginning and also your sanitizer. There are a variety of products available for customers to use in their hot tubs. The benefit of Aqua Clarity is a reduction in the need for these additional products. If you are using well water, it is still important to add your scale and mineral remover at the time of refill.
Yes, it is expected, and it will clear up.
No! You MUST use a good quality gallon jug or container that has a “CRC”, child resistant cap. You may use an empty and RINSED gallon jug if it has this type of threaded cap. Ideally, you use a gallon container that has a #2 on the bottom in the “recycling triangle”. A #2 indicates that the container is made from “HDPE” plastic, high density polyethylene. Containers that once held bleach, vinegar, windshield washer solution or a multitude of other liquids are suitable IF they have the “CRC” lid cap. This means that to open it you first press down and then turn it counterclockwise to open it. If you use a thinner HDPE container like a milk or water container you may experience what is called paneling. The sides may cave in, and the bottle can crack at a seam. When liquids are placed in warm or hot areas and then cool off the oxygen in the container evacuates and causes the bottle to deform and possibly leak. I have used an empty windshield washer solution bottle for almost 2 years now with zero issues. So, pick a good quality HDPE container. It can be clear or opaque. It doesn’t matter.
Example #1:
1 Gallon Natural F-Style Jug with 38/400 White CRC Cap with F217 Liner. Click here:
Example #2:
1 Gallon Natural Economy Industrial Round Jug with 38/400 CRC Cap with F217 Liner. Click here:
Below is an example of jugs/containers NOT TO USE:
Yes, you can. However, when you are measuring the amount needed on a weekly basis you may use a different formula. Larger gallonage vessels require less Aqua Clarity per 200 gallons as the product is not linear. Hot tubs up to 600 gallons can use the posted weekly required amount of 1 ounce for every 200 gallons. Swim Spas are usually 1200-2000 gallons or more. For these larger vessels you would only use 1 ounce for every 300-gallon capacity. So, a 1500-gallon swim spa would require 5 ounces weekly. Caution: If you notice foaming that does not disappear within minutes after you add the weekly dose with the jets on high even after you shut them off, you may be able to use even less than this. Swim spas over 2500 gallons can usually use even less product. After a few weeks you’ll see what works best.
Yes, you can! The Aqua Clarity you have successfully mixed into a gallon container is a concentrated maintenance product. When using the product “off label”, as a purge for your jetted bathtub, it is Important to use the correct amount. Typically, you will use 2-3 ounces for the initial purge. If you want to perform successive purges to the same jetted tub you should only use 1.5 ounces of the product. Fill the warm water from the bath tap over the top jet, add the Aqua Clarity, turn the pump on and watch the magic begin. Be sure to rinse and wipe immediately after purging. The released gunk can be very sticky. Use once monthly after the initial decontamination for best results.
Prior to putting this on the market, our Team wanted to make sure this product was used, tested and reviewed by others. We have been using the program in our personal hot tubs for over two years now. In addition, we have handed out and delivered 100 or so free Aqua Clarity kits to owners all over America and Canada. We even had one kit go overseas to an APO address. Our trial studies have indicated that the Aqua Clarity program delivers even greater results than we expected. To read about these tests and learn more about what others had to say along with additional questions some of them had, please click on the following link.
Aqua Clarity is a registered US Trademark of Unique Solutions, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida 32963.